Andmade Share Pro 1.1 Android APK

Andmade Share Pro 1.1 Android APK

Pro version features:

- Group several apps to share in one click.
- Fast share to e-mail, Twitter.
- Fast share to Facebook (coming soon).
- Use fast share even without internet - all messages will be sent when you connect to network.
- Fast share via Wi-Fi only option.
- Copy text to clipboard option (You can use this for apps which do not support sharing)

Don't forget to set Andmade Share as default on the first use.

WARNING: Some apps don't use standard share feature but instead make their own share list. This makes impossible to set Andmade Share as default. But you can still use Andmade Share by clicking on it in the list of such apps. We hope it doesn't affect user experience much.

Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: Andmade Share Pro is the advanced share application.

Download Link: Click link HERE

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